Fusion Beginner's Guide
This guide comprehensively explains what is Rivermen Fusion and how to fuse. It is helpful for users who want to get to know about or engage into Rivermen Fusion especially for beginners.
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This guide comprehensively explains what is Rivermen Fusion and how to fuse. It is helpful for users who want to get to know about or engage into Rivermen Fusion especially for beginners.
Last updated
Fusion is special gameplay. You can fuse new and higher-level NFT assets by collecting Rivermen NFTs of different identities. The fused NFT assets can be used for the next round of fusion. The highest-level assets to be fused are scrolls of "Along the River During Qingming Festival".
Step 1: You need to hold specific Rivermen Pawn NFTs. If you don’t have, you can buy on secondary. Note that before buying a Pawn, you need to check whether it has been used before (in property) because every Pawn can be used only once.
Step 2: Collect the specific Pawns with identities you need. You can refer to the official Fusion document.
Fuse to Scene NFT
Step 3: After collecting all required Pawn NFTs, go to the Official Website for fusion and connect your wallet. Select the asset you want to fuse (there will be a fuse recipe on the official website). As shown below:
Step 4: After fusion is successful, you will get a Scene NFT. The Pawn you previously owned won’t be burned.
Fuse to Place NFT
Step 5: Select required Scene NFTs to fuse to Place NFTs. Scene NFTs you previously owned will be burned.
Fuse to Part NFT
Step 6: Select required Place NFTs to fuse to Part NFTs. Place NFTs you previously owned will be burned.
Fuse to Whole NFT
Step 7: Select required Part NFTs to fuse to Whole NFTs. Part NFTs you previously owned will be burned.
Official Website for fusion:
Official Fusion document:
Opensea - Pawn:
Opensea - Scene/Place/Part/Whole:
Q: Can Pawn, Scene, Place, and Part be allowed to fuse for more than one time?
A: No. These assets can only be fused once only. Once a Pawn has been used for fusion, the “Used” property will change from “No” to “Yes”. (Need to refresh metadata to check out the latest properties); Scene, Place, and Part will be burned.
Q: What benefits can I get after fusion?
A: More benefits will be released soon. Stay tuned.
Q: Are there any benefits related to Whole NFTs?
A: Holders of Whole will enjoy special rights and status, such as high governance rights, priority airdrops, etc., and can also get lands that are important assets in Bianriverse.
Q: How many Whole NFTs can be fused to?
A: Up to 10.
Q: Where can I see the assets after fusion is completed?
A: You can view your assets on Opensea or on Rivermen Synthesis Website > My Warehouse. Note that model rendering takes a certain amount of time (about 30-60 minutes for Place and Part, and about two hours for Whole).
Q: What is the duration of Fusion available?
A: It has been opened on Aug 2nd, 2022, and is expected to last for 3 months. After then, you won’t be able to fuse.
If there are more problems, please report to the Discord>#general-en channel, and we will follow up as soon as possible. Have fun. (Discord link: http://discord.gg/rivermen)
What is Rivermen Pawn NFT
Rivermen Pawn NFT is the 10,000 Genesis 3D NFT collection. Each Pawn has one of 202 identities. Different Pawn NFTs can fuse to advanced NFT assets according to the relevant identity attributes, As a VIP Pass to enter the Bianriverse, Pawn will have important utilities.
What is River Space NFT
River Space NFT is an Upper-level NFT asset generated by "fusion", which contains Scene, Place, Part, and Whole.
Scene It is an NFT asset fused by several Pawns. Each Scene depicts the interaction and relationship between the characters of Pawns.
Place It is an NFT asset fused by several Scenes. Each Place outlines moments of the characters’ daily life.
Part It is an NFT asset fused by several Places. Each Part shows a broader outline of vivid stories.
Whole It is the ultimate NFT asset fused by several Parts. By combining voxel art with blockchain technology, it re-interprets the masterpiece "Along the River During Qingming Festival".
Each whole is unique so holders have their own versions of the scroll of "Along the River During Qingming Festival".